Beat classic or adventure mode with anyone
Beat classic with Mario without losing a life
Play with all 14 default characters in classic
Complete classic with ten different characters one must be link
Play 20 hours off vs mode for 1 player fighting 2 players is 10 3 players is 7 hours 4 players 5 hours. go into
the vs mode custom rules and set stock to 3 item flow to none and stock time limit to off. Choose your best character and
go to pokemon stadium and stand in the pokeball and unplug the controllers (dont pause) and go to sleep or do something while
you wait. After the time goes by plug the controlers in again and have some one die three times. Then fight and defeat Mewtwo.
Beat adventure mode as any character but beat the first stage with a time of xx:x2:xx
Complete classic as Marth
Mr. Game and Watch
Beat target test, classic, or adventure with all the other characters